Screwtape Letters – series updated

My Screwtape Letters series has been completely reformatted to provide full functionality on desktops, tablets and smart phones.  That includes the color-coded text to make it easier to differentiate various aspects of the pages, such as who is speaking, questions, suggested study areas, Etc. The ability to collapse / expand the discussion hints is alsoContinue reading “Screwtape Letters – series updated”

Will there be cheese in Heaven?

Will there be cheese in Heaven? Maybe you don’t care. I do. I’d like to see smoked salmon too. But here’s the thing. Cholesterol is becoming a problem for me. And the number one factor is cheese. Almost everything is better with cheese. And the more cheese, the better it is. Even cheese alone is good. So when I ask, will there be cheese in Heaven – it’s a serious question.

A trip to Hell – on the way to Heaven — God versus religion

Think about this as part of our trip to Hell. Not after we’re dead – not while we’re on the way to Heaven – because that’s too late. I say, think about it right now. Well, how about after you finish reading this.

While we’re “visiting” in Hell, we’ll see all of our friends and loved ones who’ve died, and didn’t make ti to Heaven. Now, think about how many of those friends we reached out to while they were alive. How many of them did we share the Gospel with? How many of them did we try to steer away from Hell, but instead put them on their way to Heaven?

Does persecution have to be violent to have an impact? | Forgiven

We’re always told to pray for the persecuted. But do we really know who they are? Do we even know what persecution is? What if I told you that you – yes you – no matter who you are – are among the persecuted. Continue reading at source: Does persecution have to be violent toContinue reading “Does persecution have to be violent to have an impact? | Forgiven”

Why didn’t you tell me?

This story is fictional, but all too true. And repeated all too often. And one that we may not think about until it’s too late – if ever. If it hasn’t happened to you, it probably has to your friends and family. The names and the situations change – but the story doesn’t.   AbbieContinue reading “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Chewie, We’re Home

Chewie, we’re home. Have you seen Star Wars 7? Did you feel anything as the old characters appeared on the screen?  Hopefully, you were able to see one of the early episodes with the “crazies”.  If you were there, and have a pulse, you can’t help but feel something. We didn’t have great seats theContinue reading “Chewie, We’re Home”